Your home is a massive investment, and you need to protect that investment in every way that you can. With home insurance, you get several different types of protection all in one policy. If you own a home in Virginia or are buying one, give us a call today at Bacon Insurance Group in Richmond, VA to find out more about this coverage and get started.
The house itself needs coverage, which is what home insurance provides. It protects the home against many incidents that can damage it or even destroy it. When you have home insurance, it can pay for the repairs needed after a covered incident like a calamity or disaster. Trying to pay for significant repairs without this coverage is more than most people would be able to afford.
Another vital part of home insurance is the protection you get for all of your possessions that are in your home. This is critical coverage because of how much it can cost to replace everything if the items get ruined. This type of coverage can help pay for your belongings that are destroyed or damaged so that you won't have to pay for it all out of pocket.
When you are a homeowner, you are responsible for things on your property. That includes any accidents that a third party has there. If someone were injured while on your property, you may be held liable and ordered to pay the medical bills for that person. With home insurance, the policy pays for those bills instead of you having to come up with the money.
If you don't yet have home insurance in Virginia, we can help you get covered and answer your questions about this insurance type. Give us a call at Bacon Insurance Group in Richmond, VA.
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