When home and auto insurance policies protect you, you may not worry much about an accident happening. However, the liability coverage you have from these policies is often not enough if serious medical bills may arise as a result of an accident. That's why so many people get umbrella insurance policies. These add to the amount of liability coverage you have from both of these policies. If you want to learn more about umbrella insurance in Virginia, call us at Bacon Insurance Group in Richmond, VA.
Both your home and auto policies come with liability protection that can pay for medical bills after an accident happens in your home or with your vehicle. However, the liability coverage on both policies may be relatively low. It's common for these policies to come with little in the form of liability coverage, and that can leave you vulnerable. If a severe accident were to happen and a third party became injured, you could be on the hook for thousands in medical bills- or even more.
An umbrella insurance policy adds liability coverage to your home and auto policies. This extends the amount of liability protection you have for each, and it is much less expensive to get than to add to those policies directly. When an accident does happen, your home or auto policy will come in first and pay for the medical bills up to their stated maximum of coverage. If there are bills left over, that's when your umbrella policy comes in to use. It pays for those overages, with a much higher stated maximum. This leaves you and your finances better protected in case of an accident.
If you are interested in an umbrella policy in Virginia, call us now at Bacon Insurance Group in Richmond, VA to find out more about this coverage.
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